TME translations Wiki

1. Today we will talk about tablets called anti-retro virals (or ARVs ).[]

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2. These tablets are a treatment for people who have HIV.[]

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3. Not everyone who has HIV needs to take ARVs.[]

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4. Now it’s time to answer a question! Try to answer by pressing the buttons on the controller. You can hear any question again by pressing the middle button.[]

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5. Does everyone with HIV need treatment with ARVs?[]

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6. Press the up arrow if you think Yes,[]

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7. Or press the down arrow if you think No[]

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8. Press a button now.[]

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9. That’s right, not everyone who has HIV needs to start taking ARVs.[]

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10. In our blood there are small parts that protect us. We call these parts CD4 cells. These CD4 cells are important. They protect our bodies and help to keep us healthy.[]

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11. The HIV virus attacks these protective CD4 cells.[]

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12. Health workers can measure how many CD4 cells you have in your blood by doing a CD4 test. If you have below 200 cells you need to start taking ARVs.[]

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13. If the CD4 test is not available, you can ask a health worker to look at your body. They will look at you carefully and decide about your treatment. They will say if you should start taking ARVs.[]

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14. When you start on ARV treatment you must continue this for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.[]

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15. You must not stop taking ARVs because you can’t afford to travel to the health centre. Always make sure you have enough tablets.[]

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16. Now here are some more questions for you:[]

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17. How do you know if you need to start taking ARVs?[]

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18. Your health worker will do a blood test,[]

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19. Or your friend will tell you?[]

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20. Press a button now.[]

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21. Yes! Your health worker will tell you if you need to start taking ARVs. They will do a blood test or look carefully at your body.[]

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22. How long should you continue taking ARVs after you have started?[]

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23. For the rest of your life,[]

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24. Or until you finish your packet of tablets?[]

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25. Press a button now.[]

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26. Yes, that’s right. You must take ARVs for the rest of your life.[]

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27. Now we will learn how the ARV treatment works.[]

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28. ARVs kill the HIV virus in your blood and allow the CD4 cells to increase again.[]

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29. If you stop taking the ARVs, the HIV will come back. When the HIV comes back it may have changed, so the ARVs do not work so well when you start taking them again.[]

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30. This may happen even if you miss taking your ARVs for only one day.[]

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31. Now it’s time for another question. Are you ready?[]

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32. Is HIV cured by taking the ARV treatment?[]

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33. Yes,[]

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34. Or no?[]

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35. Press a button now.[]

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36. Well done, that is the most important thing to learn from this lesson. ARVs do not cure HIV so you must continue to take ARVs for the rest of your life.[]

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37. Find a friend or member of your family who will remind you to take your ARV tablets every day. This is very helpful.[]

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38. If you forget to take a tablet you must take it as soon as you remember. Then you must continue to take the tablets as usual. Try not to forget any more tablets![]

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39. What should you do if you forget to take an ARV tablet?[]

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40. You should stop taking the tablets,[]

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41. Or you should take a tablet as soon as you remember?[]

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42. Press a button now.[]

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43. That’s correct! Take the tablet as soon as you remember and try not to forget again. It’s good to have someone to remind you to take your tablets every day.[]

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44. Now we will learn a bit more about ARV treatment.[]

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45. Most people will get a combination tablet.[]

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46. This is a tablet that has three different drugs all in one tablet. You usually take one of these tablets in the morning and one at night.[]

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47. It is very important with ARVs that you have at least three different drugs as three drugs are much better than one.[]

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48. Often the treatment is different at the beginning and for the first two weeks, to allow your body time to adjust to these different drugs.[]

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49. Listen carefully when your health worker starts your treatment. You may need to take more than one tablet and you may need to take the tablets at different times of day.[]

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50. If you have no problems it will be changed to one tablet in the morning and one at night after the first two weeks.[]

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51. There are several types of ARVs and the health worker at your clinic may recommend a different type for you.[]

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52. Always listen carefully to what the health workers at the clinic tell you.[]

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53. To make sure you understand how to take your medicine repeat the instructions to someone before you leave the clinic.[]

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54. Now try a few more questions to see if you understand how to take ARVs.[]

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55. Should everyone on ARVs take one tablet twice a day?[]

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56. Yes,[]

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57. Or no?[]

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58. Press a button now.[]

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59. That was a difficult question! Well done! The answer is no. Many people will have one tablet twice a day, but your health worker may recommend different ARVs.[]

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60. Who should you ask for advice on how to take your ARVs?[]

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61. A friend,[]

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62. Or the health workers at the clinic?[]

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63. Press a button now.[]

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64. Correct! The health workers at your local clinic will tell you how to take the ARVs. Show that you understand how to take your medicine. To do this, repeat the instructions to someone before you leave the clinic.[]

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65. Never take traditional medicine or tribal medicine with ARVs. Traditional medicines may stop the ARVs working.[]

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66. If you have other tablets from the health centre, check that it is OK to take them with your ARVs.[]

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67. Never share your ARVs with other members of your family or friends.[]

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68. You may think that someone in your family needs treatment for HIV. Encourage them to go to the clinic for an HIV test. Then they will get their own treatment if they need it.[]

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69. Can you take traditional medicines at the same time as ARVs?[]

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70. Yes, you can take ARVs and traditional medicines together,[]

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71. Or no, you cannot take ARVs with traditional medicine?[]

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72. Press a button now.[]

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73. Correct. You must not take ARVs with any other medicine, unless your health worker agrees.[]

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74. If a friend, a member of your family or your child has HIV, can you share your medicine with them?[]

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75. Yes,[]

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76. Or no?[]

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77. Press a button now,[]

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78. Correct. You must never share medicine with other people. If you share your medicine, you will not have enough tablets for yourself. If you miss taking tablets, the ARVs will not work so well. We have just learned this.[]

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79. Let’s continue. ARVs are very safe drugs, but it is possible that you may develop a bad reaction to one of them.[]

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80. You may get skin rashes or vomiting. Your legs may feel numb or tingle.[]

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81. You may get these problems or other health problems when you start to take ARVs. If you get any of these problems, go to your local health clinic immediately. Do not wait for your next appointment.[]

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82. Your health worker may need to change your ARV medicine.[]

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83. If you have a treatment supporter in your community it is good to discuss together what you can do. Your treatment supporter will know how to describe your symptoms to the health worker and will help you get advice.[]

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84. If you have a bad reaction to the tablets what should you do?[]

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85. You should stop taking the tablets immediately,[]

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86. Or you should go to the health centre?[]

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87. Press a button now.[]

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88. You are right. You must never stop taking ARV tablets, but it is important to get advice quickly if you have a problem. Go to your health centre or talk to your community treatment supporter immediately.[]

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89. When you start taking ARVs you will usually feel better.[]

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90. However there is no way to know that the treatment is working unless you have regular checks at your clinic. You should also have a CD4 test if possible.[]

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91. The health workers will then be able to change your treatment if necessary.[]

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92. If you remember to take your ARVs regularly, you only need to have a CD4 test every 6 months.[]

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93. Remember that ARV treatment is for the rest of your life.[]

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94. Now here are the last few questions for you![]

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95. How do you know your tablets are still working well?[]

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96. Because you feel really well,[]

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97. Or you need to have a CD4 blood test to check if they are working?[]

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98. Press a button now.[]

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99. That’s right, regular CD4 checks are very important.[]

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100. How long do you need to continue taking ARVs?[]

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101. For the rest of your life,[]

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102. Or for about 3 years?[]

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103. Press a button now.[]

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104. Well done! That is the most important thing in this lesson. You must take ARVs for life![]

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105. This lady has HIV. She has been taking ARVs for several years. She has never forgotten to take her medicine.[]

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106. She has a normal CD4 count.[]

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107. Here she is telling other people about ARVs.[]

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108. She is also teaching about the types of food to eat. It is important to eat healthy foods when you take ARVs.[]

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109. Remember that the most important thing is to take ARVs for life.[]

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110. Once you start ARV treatment you must continue to take the tablets for the rest of your life.[]

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111. That was the wrong answer. Let’s go back and listen again.[]

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112. Sorry! Wrong answer.[]

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113. Hello. The title of this lesson is “How to Take Your HIV Medicine”. To begin, press the arrow pointing to the right. After you have finished this lesson the arrow pointing down will take you to the quiz. To listen again press the middle button.[]

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114. You have now finished the lesson. Well done! Now press the arrow pointing down to play the quiz and try to win a gold star![]

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115. Correct![]

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116. ‘How to Take Your HIV Medicine’.[]

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