TME translations Wiki

1. Today we will learn how to make water safe, for you and your family.[]

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2. We all need water. But water can be dangerous. It may contain harmful germs that make us ill if we swallow them. These germs can even kill us.[]

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3. So you should try to make sure that you and your family have safe water for drinking and cooking. People who make sure their water is safe get ill less often.[]

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4. Now YOU need to answer a question! Use the up and down arrows. You can hear any question again by pressing the centre button.[]

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5. Can water be dangerous?[]

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6. press the UP arrow if you think Yes[]

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7. or press the DOWN arrow if you think No.[]

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8. Press a button now.[]

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9. That's right. Water may have germs that can make us very ill, and even kill us.[]

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10. If you make sure your water is safe to drink you will get ill.....[]

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11. More often[]

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12. or less often?[]

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13. Press a button now.[]

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14. That's right. People get ill less often when they drink safe water.[]

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15. So let’s see how to make sure your water is safe to drink. First, try to get your water from a clean safe source. A pipe or pump is best.[]

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16. Water from other sources is more likely to be dangerous. For example, water from a pool where animals drink will contain harmful germs.[]

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17. If you cannot get water from a pipe or pump, take it from as clean a place as you can.[]

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18. Now, try to answer this question.[]

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19. Which is more likely to give you safe water[]

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20. A piped supply[]

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21. or a pool of rainwater?[]

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22. Press a button now.[]

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23. That's right. It is safer to use water from a pipe or pump.[]

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24. When you collect water, it may look very clean and clear. That does NOT mean it is safe. It may still contain harmful germs. These are very tiny, so you can’t see them.[]

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25. But boiling the water will kill all the germs. So if you are not sure water is safe to drink, boil it. Then let it cool before drinking it.[]

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26. Safe water is especially important for babies and young children. Germs can kill them easily. So if you are not sure water is safe for your children, boil it.[]

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27. Now try to answer this question.[]

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28. Can clear water contain harmful germs?[]

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29. Yes[]

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30. or No[]

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31. Press a button now.[]

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32. That's right. Water that looks clean and clear may still contain germs that harm you.[]

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33. If you think your water is not safe you should......[]

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34. Drink the water up quickly[]

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35. or boil the water and allow it to cool?[]

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36. Press a button now.[]

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37. That's right, boil the water and let it cool before you drink it.[]

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38. Boiling the water is the best. But sunlight can also kill germs.[]

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39. So if you can’t boil the water, put it in a container made of glass or clear plastic. Put a lid on it.[]

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40. Shake the container of water. Then let it stand in the sunshine for two days, before you use it.[]

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41. Boiling water kills germs. What else kills germs?[]

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42. Keeping the water in the dark,[]

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43. or keeping the water in sunlight?[]

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44. Press a button now.[]

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45. Yes, keeping the water in direct sunlight for two days can help to kill the germs.[]

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46. Once you have made water safe, you must then keep it safe.[]

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47. Germs can get into water easily.[]

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48. So make sure you keep it away from anything that might carry germs. Make sure you rinse containers with safe water before you store it in them.[]

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49. Now, try to answer this question.[]

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50. Can germs get into safe water?[]

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51. Yes,[]

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52. or no?[]

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53. Press a button now.[]

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54. That's right. So keep away anything that might carry germs.[]

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55. When you store the water, make sure you use a clean container, with a cover.[]

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56. When you remove the cover, put it somewhere clean.[]

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57. Do not put it on the floor, where it will pick up germs. These will then get into the water.[]

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58. Should you keep your water store covered?[]

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59. Yes,[]

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60. or no?[]

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61. Press a button now.[]

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62. That's right, always keep your store of safe water covered.[]

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63. When you want to take water from your store, use a clean ladle.[]

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64. Germs from a dirty ladle will get into the water so it won’t be safe any longer.[]

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65. Remember, germs can make you ill and even kill you. So keep germs away from your water store.[]

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66. And now a question for you to answer![]

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67. How should you get water from your water store?[]

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68. Use anything that is lying around,[]

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69. or use a clean ladle?[]

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70. Press a button now.[]

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71. Yes, always use a clean ladle.[]

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72. During the day our hands get dirty. They pick up germs from things we touch. Even when our hands look clean, there may still be germs on them.[]

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73. So never put your hands into the water store. Never use your hand to scoop water from it.[]

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74. Germs from your hand will get into the water, and make it dangerous.[]

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75. Can hands that look clean have germs on them?[]

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76. Yes,[]

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77. or no?[]

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78. Press a button now.[]

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79. That's right. Hands often have germs on them, even when they look clean.[]

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80. Is it alright to put your hands into your water store?[]

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81. Yes,[]

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82. or no?[]

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83. Press a button now.[]

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84. That's right. You should never put your hands into your store of safe water.[]

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85. When you want a drink of water, use a clean ladle to scoop it from the container.[]

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86. Then pour it into a drinking cup.[]

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87. Never drink directly from the water store or ladle, as this will spread germs. Make sure no one else does either.[]

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88. Is it alright to drink directly from your store of safe water?[]

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89. Yes,[]

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90. or no?[]

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91. Press a button now.[]

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92. That's right. No-one should drink directly from the water store. Use a clean ladle to pour the water into a drinking cup.[]

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93. Animals spread germs. So it is important to keep animals away from the water store too.[]

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94. Remember, try to use a clean safe source of water.[]

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95. If you think water is not safe to drink, boil it. Once you have made water safe, keep germs away from it.[]

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96. Clean, safe water will help to keep you and your family healthy![]

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97. Should you keep animals away from your water store?[]

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98. Yes[]

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99. or no?[]

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100. Press a button now.[]

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101. Yes. Animals can spread germs, so the water will no longer be safe. Keep them away from it.[]

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102. That was the wrong answer. Let’s go back and listen again.[]

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103. Sorry! Wrong answer.[]

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104. Hello. The title of this lesson is “Safe Water”. To begin, press the arrow pointing to the right. After you have finished this lesson the arrow pointing down will take you to the quiz. To listen again press the middle button.[]

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105. You’ve now finished the lesson. Well done! Now press the arrow pointing down to play the quiz and try to win a gold star![]

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106. Correct![]

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107. “Safe Water”.[]

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