TME translations Wiki

1. Today we are going to learn about Tuberculosis, or TB.[]

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2. TB is a very serious illness. Someone dies of TB every 15 seconds.[]

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3. Millions of people all over the world develop TB, but this illness can almost always be cured.[]

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4. In this lesson we will learn a bit more about this illness but first here are two questions for you to answer. You can hear any question again by pressing the centre button.[]

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5. How many people in the world have TB?[]

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6. If you think MANY people have TB press the UP arrow.[]

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7. If you think very few people have TB press the DOWN arrow.[]

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8. Press a button now[]

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9. YES - TB is a serious problem all over the world. People die from TB if they do not have the right treatment.[]

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10. Can TB be cured?[]

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11. If you think NO press the up arrow[]

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12. or if you think YES TB can be cured. press the down arrow.[]

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13. Press a button now.[]

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14. Yes! TB can almost always be completely cured.[]

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15. So what is TB? TB is a tiny particle or germ that gets into someone’s body.[]

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16. These particles are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they can be seen with a microscope.[]

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17. Someone who has these germs can spread TB to other people by coughing, sneezing or spitting.[]

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18. The only way to catch TB is by breathing in these germs. TB cannot be spread by spells, curses or evil magic. Now you should try to answer these questions.[]

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19. How does TB spread?[]

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20. By someone coughing TB germs,[]

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21. Or by eating and washing?[]

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22. Press a button now.[]

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23. Yes. TB is spread through the air by people coughing, sneezing or spitting.[]

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24. Which of these causes TB?[]

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25. A tiny germ inside the lungs of someone who has TB[]

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26. Or a spell or curse?[]

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27. Press a button now.[]

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28. Yes. TB is normally spread by someone who has TB and who is coughing.[]

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29. Most people get cough a from time to time. Often it is nothing serious. BUT a cough which lasts for more than 3 weeks could be a warning sign of serious trouble such as TB.[]

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30. Other signs of TB include chest pain and fever especially at night. You may also lose weight or cough up blood. But the most common symptom is having a cough for more than three weeks.[]

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31. And now a question for you.[]

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32. What is the most common sign of TB?[]

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33. A cough which gets better in about a week?[]

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34. or a cough that lasts for more than 3 weeks?[]

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35. Press a button now.[]

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36. Yes. The most common symptom of TB is a cough that lasts for more than 3 weeks.[]

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37. Now we will learn what you must do if you have a cough for more than 3 weeks.[]

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38. If you are coughing for more than 3 weeks you must go to a clinic or hospital. The clinic or hospital will be able to help you. Now try to answer this question.[]

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39. When should you go the clinic or hospital?[]

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40. After having a cough for a few days.[]

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41. or after having a cough for more than 3 weeks?[]

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42. Press a button now.[]

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43. Yes. It’s important to visit the clinic or hospital if you have a cough for more than 3 weeks.[]

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44. When you visit the clinic, the doctor or nurse will be able to check if you have TB. You may be asked to cough into a small pot.[]

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45. The hospital will look at what you have coughed up, under a microscope, and will be able to see the small germs.[]

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46. Sometimes the doctor may want to take a picture of your chest. This will help the doctor to know if you have TB.[]

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47. How can the doctor tell if you have TB?[]

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48. By looking at what you have coughed up under a microscope[]

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49. Or, the doctor can tell just by looking at you.[]

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50. Press a button now.[]

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51. Yes. The doctor can tell if you have TB by looking at what you have coughed up by looking through a microscope.[]

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52. Something important you should know is that many people with TB also have HIV, so make sure you have an HIV test too. Ask at your health centre for this HIV test.[]

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53. Although there is no cure for HIV there are special medicines which can help you feel better and live longer.[]

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54. This lesson doesn't teach you about HIV, but there are other lessons available on HIV for you to see.[]

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55. If you think you have TB is it good to also have an HIV test?[]

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56. Yes,[]

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57. or no?[]

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58. Press a button now.[]

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59. You're right! Many people with TB also have HIV and it's important you get treatment for both illnesses.[]

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60. It’s good to know if you have TB, because you CAN be cured![]

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61. The clinic or hospital will give you some very important tablets. You will need to swallow these tablets as the doctor or nurse tells you, and after many months, this medicine will kill all the TB germs in your body and you will become well again.[]

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62. It takes a long time for all the germs to be killed in your body. You will need to take the tablets for at least 6 months.[]

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63. How long does it take to cure TB?[]

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64. Just a few weeks?[]

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65. or, a long time, about 6 to 8 months?[]

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66. Press a button now.[]

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67. Yes. It takes a long time (6 to 8 months) for the medicine to make you completely well again.[]

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68. When you have started taking the tablets, you may feel better after a few weeks, but you MUST continue taking the tablets or you will become very ill again.[]

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69. To help you remember, a supporter like a shopkeeper, nurse or member of your family may be asked to help you remember to take your tablets.[]

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70. You must not stop taking the tablets, or you will get very ill again. If you stop taking the tablets, you will also start to infect other people. Each time you cough you will pass TB germs to other people.[]

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71. If you feel better a few weeks after taking the tablets, what should you do?[]

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72. Stop taking the tablets?[]

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73. Or continue taking the tablets?[]

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74. Press a button now.[]

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75. Yes. You must not stop taking the tablets. If you stop you will become ill again, and also will infect other people.[]

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76. How long should you take the tablets for?[]

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77. Until you feel better,[]

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78. Or the full course which will be at least 6 months[]

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79. Press a button now.[]

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80. Yes. To be cured of TB you will need to finish the tablets which will take at least 6 months.[]

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81. While you are taking the tablets, the hospital or clinic will want to check your coughed up sputum. The doctors will use this to check the treatment is working properly.[]

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82. It is very important that you return to the clinic or hospital even if you are feeling better.[]

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83. How do the doctors check that the treatment is working and you are being cured?[]

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84. By checking your sputum during and after treatment,[]

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85. Or by looking at your blood[]

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86. Press a button now.[]

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87. Yes. The hospital or clinic will check what you cough into a sputum pot.[]

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88. What do YOU think will happen if you don't take the tablets for at least 6 to 8 months?[]

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89. The TB may come back and may be more difficult to cure,[]

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90. Or the TB will go away once you feel better.[]

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91. Press a button now.[]

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92. Yes. The TB may come back and may be more difficult to cure. So it is very important to take the tablets for the full 6 to 8 months.[]

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93. We’ve learnt that TB is a very serious disease that kills millions of people, but the good news is that TB can almost always be cured.[]

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94. Here’s a final question.[]

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95. Can someone who has TB become completely well again?[]

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96. Yes[]

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97. or No.[]

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98. Press a button now.[]

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99. That’s right! TB can almost always be cured, but only if you take the tablets for 6 to 8 months. The clinic or hospital may ask a friend, shopkeeper or family member to help remind you to take the tablets.[]

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100. That was the wrong answer. Let’s go back and listen again.[]

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101. Sorry! Wrong answer.[]

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102. Hello. The title of this lesson is “TB can be cured”. To begin, press the arrow pointing to the right. After you have finished this lesson the arrow pointing down will take you to the quiz. To listen again press the middle button.[]

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103. You have now finished the lesson. Well done! Now press the arrow pointing down to play the quiz and try to win a gold star![]

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104. Correct![]

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105. “TB can be cured”.[]

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